Saturday, November 21, 2009

Update Nov. 21 - 2009 Pro Or Con " Strip That Fat" By Health Experts

Strip that fat is designed by with an aim to help you to strip any unwanted fat from your body and look and feel the way you have always wanted. It is said that the program will give you more energy, a more clear mind, and actually increase happiness after you strip any unwanted fat from your body because it will actually help your body and organs function better.
We provide you with information Pro and Con from the health experts' opinions. Please read the information carefully and make sure this is the program for you before purchasing. As always please consult with your doctor before applying.

Recommend Reading

Strip That Fat
Tired of the Endless Loop of Yo-Yo Diets?
Here is Why Your Last Diet Didn’t Work

Strip That Fat Review - Does This Diet Plan Work?
By Jackie Tay Platinum Quality Author

Who doesn't want killer abs, sculpted legs and all while progressively shifting to healthier life?

Strip That Fat program is unlike any diet we've ever reviewed. It's a diet based on balanced nutrition and that's probably why it works. It teaches you about the correct percentages required for healthy metabolism, portion control and how you can utilize non-traditional workouts. It seems so unlikely in a world filled with products trying to make some fast money but Strip That Fat is a breath of fresh air. Not only does it tell you what kinds of foods you should be focusing on, but it provides you with insight and knowledge so you can understand the negative impact these foods put on your body.

Strip That Fat is also suitable for anyone quite simply because it's easy and effective to use, it puts no chemicals in your body and only promotes a healthy diet and exercise as a means of healthy living.

If you want to learn how to make your own diets, more about nutrition or at-home exercise techniques, Strip That Fat will work for you. Of course, you have to stick with your regiment, or you won't see those results that you're looking for. With their 60 day money-back guarantee, you can try the Strip That Fat program without risk of losing any money. So if you're someone looking forward to losing weight by means of a proper diet, regular exercise and healthy living, then this product will be suitable for you.

If you are indecisive on whether to try the Strip That Fat program. you may also check out from REAL people who have bought it and tried it themselves. Reading Actual Users' Feedback will give you some guidelines and help you in making a good decision.

Article Source:

Recommend Reading
Strip That Fat
Tired of the Endless Loop of Yo-Yo Diets?
Here is Why Your Last Diet Didn’t Work

Strip Belly Fat in 6-8 Weeks With This Action Plan
By Dennis Francis Platinum Quality Author

If you've always wanted to strip the fat from your body and keep the muscle, I'm going to lay out an action plan for you to do just that. I won't hold anything back in this article; this is a very basic seven point plan for dropping belly fat in 6 to 8 weeks. You won't need to bother with the scale for this one we're going straight to the tape measure.

The first thing we're going to have to do is start with a goal. The goal has to be specific; we're not going for generalizations here. For instance your goal might be to lose 2 inches from your waist in eight weeks. Next we're going to need a plan; if you want to lose inches you have to combine weight training, cardiovascular exercise and a smart eating plan.

For this plan to work, you're going to be focusing 80% on what to eat and 20% on your exercise program. What that means is working smart instead of hard is a sure fire way to get to your goal. Sure, exercise is important but what's equally important if not more so is feeding your muscle to increase your metabolism. One of the best ways to learn how to eat for fat burning is to determine how much you need to eat in a day and break it up into six equal parts. A 200 pound guy is not going to need the same amount of food as a 300 pound guy.

Determine that you're going to stick by the numbers for this one. That means finding out how much you weigh, determining how much food you need to eat to burn off half a pound a day of fat and how much exercise is needed to ensure fat loss. Once you run the numbers, stick to the numbers until your goal is met.

Sure, you might get a little bit crazy now and then and eat something you shouldn't. That's not going to kill your progress. What does stop most people is giving up the first time they fall off the wagon. The following workout should help you to begin stimulating your muscles for fat loss. Alternate between your weight workout and your aerobic workout for a minimum of five days a week. That will get you going for sure.

Your workout is:

* dumbbell squats one set of 15 reps
* one I'm bent over rows one set of 15 reps
* push-ups - one set of 15 reps
* dumbbell push press - one set 15 reps

Alternate days:

* warm up - jumping jacks 50 reps
* jump rope - 100 skips a minute - 10 minutes
* cool down - 15 minute walk

What you're looking to do is improve your workout goals each week by 5 to 10%. You can increase the weights or increase the reps. If you're not good a jump rope stick with the jumping jacks. Register your improvement from week to week not day to day. This is your workout; plain and simple. Get the intensity up and improve each week.

After you've shown improvement in the first month, switch up your exercise routine with another strength training and cardio program. By switching up your workout you avoid boredom and shock your body with new moves. Go ahead and give this a try; keeping in mind that your food intake should give you a slight deficit of about 500 calories but more importantly, spread your meals evenly over your waking hours. Now that you've got an idea of how to start trimming your waistline, get out there and workout; get it done.

If your goal is to burn fat build muscle and get stronger check out my nine part series on optimal fat burning workout systems. I'll show you how to get lean and fit in no time flat. I'll even give you the tools to optimize your fat burning workouts.

Go to for your free e-course.

Article Source:

Recommend Reading
Strip That Fat
Tired of the Endless Loop of Yo-Yo Diets?
Here is Why Your Last Diet Didn’t Work

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Update Nov. 09 - 2009 Pro Or Con " Strip That Fat" By Health Experts

Strip that fat is designed by with an aim to help you to strip any unwanted fat from your body and look and feel the way you have always wanted. It is said that the program will give you more energy, a more clear mind, and actually increase happiness after you strip any unwanted fat from your body because it will actually help your body and organs function better.
We provide you with information Pro and Con from the health experts' opinions. Please read the information carefully and make sure this is the program for you before purchasing. As always please consult with your doctor before applying.

Recommend Reading

Strip That Fat
Tired of the Endless Loop of Yo-Yo Diets?
Here is Why Your Last Diet Didn’t Work

Strip That Fat Review - Will it Work For Me and How Quickly?